Design and Restoration
Orlando is a traditionally owned independent jewellers started almost 40 years ago from Alan Chilvers with both local, and since the establishment of our website, international customers.

Alan and his wife are both qualified gemmologists who work with some outstanding craftsmen creating pieces of interesting and individual designs using either our stones or often re-making the clients own jewellery which may be out of date, broken or no longer to their taste. We would always advise against destroying lovely antique pieces about which we have a good knowledge having exhibited for over 30 years at some of the best antiques fairs such as Buxton, N.E.C, London, Guildford and Harrogate.
Many of our pieces are designed by internationally known designers. We travel the world looking for interesting pieces, regularly visiting places such as Sri Lanka, India, Los Angeles and the huge gem show in Tucson, Arizona.
We have a very loyal client base with many families now into the third generation, some having gone from engagement rings through to ruby wedding anniversaries and starting again with engagement rings for their grandchildren.